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September 2022

The dates for 2023 are July 21st and July 22nd.

This year we were back on! It was lovely. We wish to thank all those who participated and made it as wonderful as it was. Hope to see you next year! Stay well!

June 2022

Those coming to this year's gathering and who have been before might be in for a bit of a surprise, as there has been a renovation!

First up, very handy, there are now 2 toilets!

Also, and this is the important part of the message:

There is a new kitchen area with a counter of sorts. The church is working very hard on getting a gold eco-status. This means that this year there will not be any disposable cups anymore. The coffee and tea in church will still be free, IF you bring your own cup. Otherwise they will have purchasable reusable take away cups, with the church logo on it. Making it a nice little keepsake as well.

So be aware of that if you wish to have a cuppa during the interval.

As always there will be a plate or jar for donations towards the gathering event itself and one for the church.

The Sunday after our event, the Patronal will take place. This means a special service, with some activities and snacks and drinks outside afterwards. They have said, if any performers want to play a few songs again, that that'd be very welcome!


Covid cases are slightly on the rise again. We will take every precaution possible during the event. There are currently no official rules, so wearing a mask or not, is up to you. If you don't bring one and don't feel at ease after all sitting in the audience, there'll be a few IIR surgical masks available. Just come and find me (Denise), I'll make sure you get one.

Some of you may have already heard of the sad news of our friend, musician, and gathering volunteer, Nya passing away. During the gathering weekend,  there will be a photo album to leave a message in during the weekend, which we will forward to her family afterwards. If you have a photo of her, or with her, that you wish to add to said album, you can bring it along. Any cards and/or letters are also welcome, we will send those along.


Photo by Richard Shakespeare







July 2021


Watch the Virtual Nick Drake Gathering Saturday July 24th, 2021 at 6pm UK time, right here:

April 2021


Dear everybody, it is with great sadness that I have to announce this year's gathering will yet again, not physically take place. We will provide a digital version.

The UK may be doing fairly well, for now, as appearances may indicate, but many other countries are not and we are an international event. Although talk is of slowly opening the UK more at the end of June, this will not mean open borders as such. Countries marked a certain colour would have to quarantine on arrival in quarantine hotels which cost alot of money. We don't know yet about vaccine passports and if and how they would work. Not having such would require negative tests, which also come at a cost. It would mean many musicians and audience members from abroad would have trouble affording to come (as some already have little to spend), if they then could at all. There have already been cancellations, as everything is so unsure. June to July gives only one month and the margin of error so to say is simply too big.

The exact duration of the effects of the vaccines and their protection is also still unknown. By July, those who already had theirs, might need a new one, if results are unlucky or a new strain comes along unaffected by the vaccines.

We also don't know what will be allowed by the end of July, in terms of amounts of people together in one space. Sharing microphones, equipment. 100 people in the village hall, 150/200 in the church as per normal numbers, might not be possible. The logistics of needing proof of health and how within the laws of privacy are also a factor. It could also mean having to exclude people and we are not such an event.

It breaks my heart, really. I would love to be able to be together with you all, but there are so many unknowns at this point and waiting it out longer would leave little to no time to arrange things, plus costs would be alot higher for anyone wanting to come.

Let us please, next year, let it please for all that is holy, for all that anyone believes in, be possible again and then in absolute abundance and a flurry of hugs and music, let's merry meet. I miss you all so much. I miss the music, the atmosphere, the magic of Tanworth-in-Arden, everything. And I am sad and I am angry, but reality is what it is and so we must deal with it as best as we can. Doesn't mean I haven't shed a few tears.

I can not create miracles, albeit at times I'd like to think I came close, this is beyond my ability. Too much is unsure and the risk of people's health and people losing money on travel tickets and whatever else they come up with for us to pay for to proof we are safe is simply too big.

Those already in the UK, I understand if you would still like to get together, maybe camp, play some music, but do understand this is outside the name of the Nick Drake Gathering as such. Also, if you are in the UK and can, if they can stay open, pop by The Bell and Umberslade for some food and a drink. Please support them. And raise a glass for all those who can't visit Tanworth-in-Arden. A donation in the church box is also always welcome.

And anybody going to Nick's grave, please respect it, and if it looks untidy, like with rotting flowers, please tidy it a bit. And for anyone knowing to find Naw Ma Naw's grave (where her ashes are buried, Nick's nanny), please spend a moment there too, tidying up the green and dirt on the flat stone.

Stay well, stay safe, stay healthy, keep listening to Nick's music in the meantime. Keep playing his songs, learn his songs, improve your skills, don't forget us. We will not forget you.

With love, Denise

April 2020

Dear all.

It is with great sorrow and a very heavy heart that after great consideration and intense following of the Covid virus situation, we unfortunately have to cancel this year's Nick Drake Gathering.

The risks are simply too big. This virus does not look like it is backing down any time soon and even if it does, the time it will take before normal life will be able to resume would bring us well into the far end of Summer, early Autumn. If it doesn't back down soon, we are likely looking at even longer yet, and that is without the possibility of Autumn and Winter potentially bringing another flare up. Summer is coming, people may get fed up with staying indoors and things could get worse again. There is simply no telling the outcome of this.

What we do know, is that many people have this virus, many people have died, many people have lost loved ones and more is yet to come. It is not fully known yet in what sense or way immunity is possible. We know that the church is currently closed for an unforeseeing time (not even Paul the vicar can enter - rules of higher up the church chain), as well as The Bell, as well as Umberslade Farm and the Village Hall. We know all air traffic is in shambles (and we are an international event). We know many people will have financial setbacks via job losses, income losses, companies not making it through this, and a further recession yet to come from all of this. We know that any lockdown and any restrictions will be lifted very slowly and in stages, which can take a long time and after that a long slow recovery period has been predicted. In other words, we are likely looking at months yet (if not longer) before any real relief and a chance at normal life.

It would be irresponsible, and with all these restrictions and things going on quite unfeasible, to let this year's gathering go ahead. One can only hope so long for a miracle until one needs to face the cold hard facts. It only takes one infected person (1!) to be amongst the gathering people to create a disaster for many. We simply can not and will not risk the lives and health of the people in Tanworth in Arden, nor those of the performers or anyone attending. It is a sacrifice we all have to make for the wellbeing of the entire world, but especially and mostly for the wellbeing of ourselves and those we love and care about.

Now, this does not mean we will be completely empty handed. We are looking into our digital options and in what way: Among which the likelihood of sharing of videos of performers. We can still come together in a way and share the music.

We also adamantly ask people to please not go to Tanworth on their own account, in the coming months, for the sake of the safety of the residents. And for oneself whilst traveling. Please do not risk any harm to anyone.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones as much as possible. Again, do more to protect yourself than they tell you to do. Better safe than sorry. For now, stay home (if you can), stay healthy, stay safe. Stay strong.

We will open our eyes to another year where we will have a place to be again.

With Love, Denise


July 2016

The short film about the Nick Drake Gathering which was filmed last year will be shown Saturday Morning this July 23rd in the Village Hall 11:30 am. You can also follow the filmmaker Rob on Twitter for more updates about the film: Rob@cutpointfilms

We set up a new web site for you all to enjoy with all new features scattered throughout. There is a past performance player, links to picture archives and videos and a few other new features.
We hope you all enjoy the new look and hope you will pop in from time to time to enjoy moments we have all had together.


May 2016

The performers list is up. Anyone still wishing to apply, please contact us, however we will have to put you on the waiting list.


The Open Mic is now a regular event for the gathering, weather permitting. This takes place after the main concert on the saturday at the Umberslade campsite.

Reminder: The gathering forum is no longer active due to lack of use. People are mainly using Facebook to discuss and post things, so we decided to stick to that. You can find our Facebook Page and Profile on the contact page. For the Performers who had their own private thread we will create a private group for you on Facebook where you'll be able to discuss song choices and dicuss things with other performers. You will get an invitation for this. We will also look into adding something to this site itself, if that works, the FB group will be cancelled.



Chris Healey's website with Nick Drake tabs is now accessible at - The site ending in .com is nolonger functioning.


The Drake Family Memorial Headstone has been reinstated.



IMPORTANT NEWS! The Drake Family Memorial Headstone in the churchyard of St Mary Magdalene


Please note that Nick's family grave headstone will be removed for refurbishment. They hope to have replaced in time for his birthday next year, but between now and then it may be gone for a few days.

The family did not make this decision lightly as it goes against Molly Drake's (Nick's mum) wishes in a way, who has wished for it to age gracefully and one with nature.


Sadly due to visitors having rubbed Nick's name and the lines on the back and having been chipping bits off of the stone, they felt like it needed to be done though as now it also didn't look as Molly would have wanted.


Please always keep in mind that Nick's grave is a family grave and that there are existing family members left for whom it is painful to watch it being damaged as such.


This is not a 'rock shrine', it is a personal family grave, where one of the 3 family members there happens to have become a famous musician. This does not entitle people to disrespect or violate a grave, which chipping bits off and rubbing the letters, is.


Also be aware with what you leave behind, as others will see it and/or read it and it could pose a trigger for them if they'd find themselves in a bad place in their life, which sadly, some of Nick's fans are.


We cannot stress enough that a grave is an eternal resting place for loved ones and that it is something very and deeply personal and no matter how much you love Nick and/or his music, we have no say, nor any right to change anything of it.

Leave behind a little token, a thank you note, flowers, maybe gently touch the top of the grave, play him a song, sing him a song, but never forget it is a family grave and needs to be treated with care and respect and always, always respect and honour Molly Drake's wishes. After all: It is HER son, HER husband and she herself lying there.


People shouldn't need any tangible keepsakes of the grave or its stone. Take a leaf, if you wish to have something to feel closer to him. Other than that, we have Nick's music. That should be enough. Besides, the closest you'll ever be to him now, is through his music, because that came from within. Embrace that. Not the gravestone...


Thank you for your kind understanding. 




It was wonderful to see you all at the Gathering at the beginning of August. Many of you will recall that I had to write a message regarding respect for the Drake family grave following unfortunate events in 2008. I would like to offer a huge thank you to you all for the way in which you have responded to this and we have had no repeat incidents to deal with since last year. Once again, it was a joy to welcome you all to the village and I hope you feel it is somewhere that you will always be welcome, not just once a year at the Gathering. I am regularly asked by the locals about how it went, and they love having you here (especially the Bell's Landlord!). So, many thanks to you all for honouring his final resting place with such respect. 


Just to remind you of the idea put forward by Annabel and Phil (who host so many of you), that when you visit, why not bring a single crocus bulb, and just quietly push it into the soil around the oak tree (please not into the grave, that is for Nick’s family). Gradually, over the course of a few years, the oak tree will be surrounded by a ring of flowers, planted quietly by those who have done so to honour a musician who has touched so many lives. And remember the church is always open during daylight hours with a space reserved opposite the organ (which has a 'Stop' given by Nick's family in his memory) to sit and perhaps light a candle, meditate, pray or simply be still. See you next year! 


Paul Cudby


The Annual Nick Drake Gathering

© 2024 by The Annual Nick Drake Gathering &


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