If the form is not working properly, please send a direct email
with your name, email address, phone number, how many people will be performing, song request (if known already)
and your preferred day or if either is okay to you:
Any applications after the end of February will go onto the waitinglist.
Thank you for your application.
We will reply to your email, confirming we have received it.
Please have patience should you not receive a reply quickly due to possible busy email traffic.
Inquire if a response has not been received within two to three weeks.
You can expect to hear the result of our decision around the end of March 2024
at the latest.
If selected to perform at the 2024 Gathering, you agree to inform us as soon as possible of any changes in your situation that will affect your availability to perform this year, and that you will help us by responding to communications we send, where a response is requested.
Check box in form to indicate that you agree to the above.
Thank you.